“Andrés Calle Flores”


       This gallery constitutes the most perfect sample of the ceramics of the old ones Nascas, Paracas, Tiahuanaco and Huari of that then, brought to the present time by TEACHER OF the CRAFTS of Nasca, Andrés Calle Flores, which to his noventicuatro years (to the 2008), with the great experience that adorns it, makes pieces that are admired everywhere of the world by the gentleness of their art, and by the great similarity that they have with the original ceramios, that he himself does in his factory. (Av. San Carlos - Passage Torrico 240 Nasca - Peru. Telf. 056-522319). This it is a huaco of globular form, with two tips and roast-bridge, simulating a hill, with four cracks that give the appearance him of a true hill, and the resaltantes characteristics are than with the base in black color the foxes can be appreciated (in high relief), that lower of the heights in search of food to the coast, and all the huaco is adorned with drawings of the greater amount of animals than they are possible to be found in hills of Nasca like:

Fauna. - Small lizards, cóndores, small serpents, and any type of noxious animal that could exist.
Flora. - Cactus and small shrubs etc., the drawings, like the huaco, have been copied of the original one.
Measures 25cm. Stop and 23cm. wide.

Note. - All the measures are approximate


 ANDRÉS FLORES STREET, recognized in Nasca like: “FAVORITE SON " and “GREAT TEACHER REGIONAL OF THE CRAFTS ", it shows in its hands one of its pieces that after so many years of experience have managed to produce; here it is appraised few days to him before turning 89 years of life to the 2003, and 63 years of experimentations with respect to the ceramics Nasca, Paracas, Tuahuanaco, Huari. It has of bottom the wall of the exhibition in where they are hung “Plate of Silver” remembering that is “Masterful of the Crafts” and two of its Medals: "The one of gold and other of Silver ", in recognition to its self-sacrificing work in the field of the ceramics that without doubt distinguishes it of any other craftsman of ceramics. Their huacos are so similar to the original ones that an European guide counted a small anecdote. Several huacos in a table had been joined, among them were “several original ones " like some of him, some understood people chose those that more they liked and of their affability, and took them later to the being, asked so that they had chosen those huacos said that they were beautiful original. So its surprise when finding out that went the huacos that they had chosen were all of Teacher and no of the exposed ones was original; the original ones are in the Museums.

NOTE: NOW, IT RECORDS WITH HIS NAME IN LOW RELIEF, TO EACH CERAMIO THAT IT DOES IT STOPS TO DISTINGUISH IT, since it has had 'students of the teacher', in other factories, that they have wanted to make happen his ceramics like IF THEY WERE those of TEACHER. No it is left surprisesr, only in this direction it will find the ceramios of the teacher. Factory of crafts:“Andrés Calle Flores” Av. San Carlos, Passage Torrico 240 Nasca-Ica-Peru. Telf.056-522319.


       GOD NASCA. -

(1ª Photo). - In a recent opportunity we visited TEACHER in its work, and he made us happen and in the home heat he showed these to us unit; the attention called so much to us that we requested permission to him stops to photograph them since we had remained overwhelmed that to its 92 years of age it is presenting/displaying to the world this unknown ceramics stops own and strange, for example this is the front part of a God Nasca, in white bottom, with two tips and roast-bridge, is appraised clearly that underneath the necklace it maintains stingy of the hair to a human head (Trophy), thing that we had not observed before in other Gods Nascas. The TEACHER has so much to us to teach.


(2ª Photo. Part of back). - He himself God Nasca watched on the other hand of back it presents/displays a layer, that is the common thing but that it castrates in this unit is of a serpent adorned with average human heads and in the end of the tail it ends almost with another human head feline. The globular form and polícroma are the characteristic of this ceramics.

Note. - Dimensions 17 cm. of stop by 12 of wide.



(1ª Photo) the beauty of its art has photographed in three different photos, so that You appreciate smaller details of the art of the Nasquenses inhabitants of this Peruvian culture. It has all the appearance of a God Nasca, but one says that it is a God serpent or a person that has a great one predilection by this type of animal. In white bottom the God is appraised that in himself it is not a God Nasca, but is resembled the God that we we know (The one that is in the card), but with serpents and others forms, as much in the eyebrows as in the forehead.




(Photo 2ª) Here 45º has been turned to be able to appreciate lateral part of ceramio and can be appreciated the human faces, always accompanied by the serpents that a face of ceramio stops it prioritizes the serpent and we see that already one is seeing that by the other side are legs of a bird of prey.









(3ª Photo) Here already we have turned around 180º ceramio and it is appraised clearly the legs of a bird that can be an eagle, also with the serpents to the flanks forming a species of pectoral guarded by two serpents, a necklace of several colors it moves downwards.

The rustic thing of the place does that most of drawings they are of the inhabitants of the desert and of Pampas of San jOse (more well-known like Pampas of Nasca)

Measures. - 18 cm. high by 16 of wide. We do not forget that they are retort







(1ª Photo). - This it is gerrero head of very high rank that is issuing orders to its army and its orders they are so impressive that the artist has not found another way to express itself so real to do it. It is appraised in stop and under relief: face, the ears, like the eyebrows, the nose even the orifices nasals. The head has crown and it seemed that he is also the one of upper rank within the army; opened affluent mouth expresses the voice rise, is completely expanded what gives the impression to be almost shouting very hard, and his ORDER it is for gerreros to its control; more down they appreciate its inferior extremities and the profits that they would be possible to be obtained with the victory.






(2ª Photo). - Giving the return to ceramio in 45º it is appraised that his shout it is so strong that goes beyond which can be thought, finishing like an order that moves away in the time and the space, it has to fulfill it.

Note. - 45 cm. of stop by 30 of wide. (approximately).





(1ª Photo). - The turtle is one of the animals that were represented no very frequently in this culture, it is possible to be appreciated always the globular form, this zoomórfica representation is not very near the reality.

The shell of red color that excels of the body of the animal with symmetrical drawings seemed to starfishes and whichever imagination it could represent gentile, giving loose rein to its art.





(2ª Photo). - Here in this taking of above downwards, it is appraised definidamente the neck of the animal with its noticeable eyes affluent and diversity of drawings that painted to him of capricious form that of insurance they would have a very personal meaning for the artist. The colors go from target, yellow, cream, red, black, lead etc.







This suigéneris is a gerrero, since if we observed it at great length we are going to find in him several noncommon characteristics; for example: It is seated on one of its inferior extremities and another one has it forwards flectada, in its left arm getting up, maintains the head of its victim who has been one product fight until death, because it maintains it like trophy, with the other hand goes little by little eating the body of his victim, it is half-naked, and in their face the colors of the painting are appraised military whereupon it has itself painted and also a necklace is appraised that adorns its neck.





Several SHRIMPS swimming in water, in black bottom that is drawn with such precision that they are similar in the extreme real and mainly to original huaco, it is possible to stand out that each one of the ceramios is faithful copy of the original one. Pitcher with two tips with roast-bridge red in black bottom that it resembles to group of shrimps swimming in the water in search of its food. Form to make round. Polícromo.

Measurement: 18 cm. high by 15 cm. wide





She is rather a well represented woman, with characteristic his atuendo that it represents the form AS is that they got dressed in those times, dresses multicolors. It is in seated position, his hair has it distributed in two heavy braids that fall towards his chest, a hand maintains by the handle, to stock-market coquera, and the other hand it introduces to remove it it, picchaba cocaine (to chew cocaine, without to eat it), for a long time by the gentile ones. Ceramio polícromo.

Measurement: 14 cm. of wide by 20 cm. of stop





This ceramio represents PUMA. With certain Characteristics human, as it is possible to be appreciated. Ceramio with face of Puma. In low and high relief. It is possible to be appreciated also each part of the face of the animal with exactitude like: The eyes, the nose, the ears done in high relief and one in front drawn where it is linked a species of crown, that is going to end in roast-bridge, with a single tip, also can be appreciated that of the snout it leaves a language to him that finishes in a flower of FLOWERINESS. It predominates the target and the lead, the animal. It is maintained by its four legs. Polícromo.

Measures: 17 cm. of length by 12 cm. of stop and 7cm of wide





Here one is to demonstrate TWO THINGS SIMULTANEOUSLY , but separately:

childbirth natural and 2º the tattoos of the women who were consecrated to the cult of the Gods.

parturienta is On guard sitting, GIVE BIRTH, it appreciates the baby crowning. Apparently the women they gave light seated or of squatting, not like now, thrown semi-seating (On guard Fowler). The woman is naked in a position very similar to the one of squatting, that apparently she was the one that used to give birth; at the present time it is even followed using this position.

They can to distinguish tattoos of body of one of the virgins chosen for the cult to the Gods, (according to some archaeologists) 'they could not form pareja'. tattooed places were very important in that time, since they emphasized the beauty of the woman, something thus as it is now. It is appraised the flat head, the eyes, the mouth and the nose in stop relief, just like the perfection of the hands and the nails affluent represented painted of white color.

Measures: 20 cm. of stop by 18 cm. of wide.





Call thus because this ceramio is constituted by two very well differentiated elements.

MAN. - Fact in stop and under relief, can to very easily appreciate the eyes, the nose, the mouth and all the face in if it is dressed in indumentaria war, with one pechera in which one is drawn HEAD TROPHY and to the edge they are drawn small heads trophies; it takes HUARAYOC, symbol of to be able, of authority in the town, also it takes its sling.

The head it leaves the tip to him that adorns ceramio by where him the liquid threw to the utensils. The red one predominates. Polícromo.




WOMAN. - That it is the other part of huaco (Huaco - ceramio) in this part is appraised a woman who would come to be companion of the man.

With long hair, dedicated to agriculture maintaining in its hands some plants fruit of its work. Also it is appraised with clearness: The nose, the eyes, the mouth etc. In bottom target. Both are united by the back and also it connects them to both roast-bridge with a single tip. In white bottom. Polícromo

Measures: 22 cm. of stop by 13 cm. of wide and 23 cm. of depth






(1ª Photo). - One says that it is tiahuanacoide because it has tips both of the huaco separated, as they do not have the Nascas together, this is an influence of the ceramics Tiahuanaco, the others is like if outside a Nasca piece. A fish can be appreciated drawn symbolically in bottom coffee watching to his prey. The colors are distinguished better with this color of bottom.



(2ª Photo). - Here they are possible to be appreciated with greater objectivity separation of the tips of this ceramics. It is part of back of the fish, with these symmetrical drawings, this people occurred manna to be able to express her art that for understood it would seem that is a vanguardista art, almost abstract and very understandable.




On guard unemployed of four legs, with HEAD IN STOP AND LOW RELIEF with the eyeteeth excelling to the thick-lipped ones, in color lead, with circles in low and stop relief. It has circumferences of red color in all body and in its center white color, and other white points in all body in jaspeada form, adorns ceramio roast-bridge of a single tip. The color predominates red lead and. Polícromo.

Measures: 16 cm. stop, 10 cm. of wide and 21 cm. of height. The first ceramics it was the Paracas, later Nazca, I perfect it.






This it is a drawing, of so many, that throughout its life the Teacher. I copy of its fist for the eternity and that by far affection us it gave some time ago. We have scanned it and fixed in computer to present/display it before You he corrected many things to us happening through the color and until the head of the serpent (Gracias Teacher).

With passing of the time we will copy other drawings for approval of Uds





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